Monday, September 10, 2007


The Horizon has always been a fascinating object to look at. The sun rises from it and it sets from it. It always brings on a new day and it closes it the same. We can stare at a horizon for hours as if we could catch a glimpse of what is on the other side. For those of you who know me you might be asking yourself..."What the crap are you talking about Mike!" I will tell you.

I say all of this because I believe we can all agree that we can feel, we can sense, in the deepest part of our being that something in our lives is just over the horizon. We start to get that urge; that feeling of unsettledness (if that is a word) that we can sense that something is about to radically change in ones life. Well I feel that way! It is nerve racking and exciting all the same. It's a little bit funny, this feeling inside (that's from Moulin Rouge, rent it). It really has me unsettled at the moment. I am going to have a baby but I can reassure you that this is different. I am not nervous about the baby because I am too ignorant to know what I am about to get into.

What I lack is the ability to actually see over the horizon.

I really wish I could just be here instead. Here, unlike the last picture, the waters are clear to see for miles. The weather is consistant everyday of the year. The waters are inviting and calm and I can have a Mojito delivered to me whenever I want.
But where is the excitment and adventure...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Even though I am currently 370 miles away from you, I will say that I am always here for you and I will be sure to pray for you and your family. After all Salinas isn't that far away...For me it is a little reassuring (and obviously unsettling) that God is in control, he knows best!...I love you bro and I know you will do whatever God has planned for you and when it's time he will let you know what that is.

Peace Be With You