Sunday, August 31, 2008

Can Someone Explain This To Me!

What you are viewing is a picture of a video game called Guitar Praise. It is based off of Guitar Hero. It's the same game with Christian songs...

Why...oh why do christians insist on copying and trying to make things that are "Secular" and make them "Christian." I've said it once and I will say it again; the word Christian works better as a noun not an adjective.

Aargh...I seriously have no energy to write something really witty right now about this...this sucked all of the energy out of me...

Saturday, August 30, 2008

I Think He's Serious...

This is the Mayor or New Orleans addressing his people about Gustav. Take a look...
Click Here

I think prayer is in order for these people...again!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Tell Me How You Really Feel

So my wonderful, beautiful wife Holly Rodrigo gets these random emails from a source to remain anonymous that are the upmost cheesiest of christian emails. She doesn't even know how she got on the mailing list of this particular source. So she forwards me this particular email infuriated by the tone and underlying agenda that was presented by the un-named source. I kinda got mad as well as I continued to read. What do you all think about this? Below is the email that was sent to holly:

This is the ticket! : ) <------this is the unnamed source

:America needs a President like this <-----as is this

Prime Minister John Howard - Australia <------this is where the beginning of the forwarded transcript begins

Muslims who want to live under Islamic Sharia law were told on Wednesday to get out ofAustralia, as the government targeted radicals in a bid to head off potential terror attacks.

Separately, Howard angered some Australian Muslims on Wednesday by saying he supported spy agencies monitoring the nation's mosques. Quote: 'IMMIGRANTS, NOT AUSTRALIANS, MUST ADAPT. Take It Or Leave It. I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Bali , we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Australians'.

'This culture has been developed over two centuries of struggles, trials and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom'. 'We speak mainly ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society . Learn the language!'

'Most Australians believe in God. This is not some Christian, right wing, political push, but a fact, because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture.'

'We will accept your beliefs, and will not question why. All we ask is that you accept ours, and live in harmony and peaceful enjoyment with us.'

'This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this. But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our Christian beliefs, or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great Australian freedom,

'If you aren't happy here then LEAVE. We idn't force you to come here. You asked to be here. So accept the country YOU accepted.'

Maybe if we circulate this amongst ourselves, American citizens will find the backbone to start speaking and voicing the same truths.

If you agree, please SEND THIS ON.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Tickle Your Ears...Amendment...

The credit for discovering goes to my lovely wife is all about her...give her the credit...not me...just her...she discovered it like Al Gore discovered the internet...HOLLY BETH RODRIGUEZ. Please let her know how much she has changed your life ;-) Love ya babe...te he

Tickle Your Ears...

I am sure there are ton of people in blog land that have heard of Pandora but if you have not, go to Pandora. It is awesome. What you do is create "radio stations" of music that sounds like your favorite artist. Pandora will then play music of that genre. If you like what they are playing then you give the song a "thumbs up" and it will add music like that to the algorithm. It is pretty darn good at finding music you like. Try will thank me later!

Monday, August 25, 2008

So What Am I Going To Do...(Random Fixings)

...Now that the Olympics are over. Seriously, these where the best Olympics I have ever seen. So much drama which lived up to the hype surrounding almost every event. I will miss the games not because they are games and sports but for the corny reason that it truly does bring the world together, even if it is over sports. There is something so fulfilling when the world coexists. I pray that it will happen more often. Imagine if the world coexisted from Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and unto the ends of the earth...i miss the Olympics :-(

...I just watched 21 and I can now count cards. I googled the Basic Strategy chart and have memorized most of it. I can also count a "shoe" of cards 6 decks deep; no seriously. It really is just simple math. The special features of 21 teach you how to do it. If you can do simple math and maintain your concentration you can count also. The concentration is the hard part. I am practicing with 4 decks right now...well not right now I am blogging!

...Why are Hot Tamales soooo good...

...Audrey has been ridiculously moody lately. I wonder if her top 4 teeth are coming in?

...I start school on September 4th and I can't wait. I have been ready to start back up since July. I created a review class for nursing students over the summer that got my Vice Deans attention. He wants me to publish my findings about the review class in a medical journal, which I am going to. He is going to help me do it. Dr. Sharp has really poured into me and I need that mentorship. It helps get me through...

Thursday, August 21, 2008

What a J E R K!!!

You have GOT to see this Olympic video. I could not believe this coach.

Ok let me set the stage for you; The American pole vaulter has only been pole vaulting for 4 years. She won the silver. The chances of her winning the gold were slim because she was going against the best pole vaulter of all time in Yelena Isinbayeva. Yelena has broken the 24 world records in pole vaulting throughout her career. Every time there was a record to break she would break it. This olympics was none different. So for the American, to win silver and only pole vaulting for 4 years is watch...this coach should have his junk cut off...YEAH I SAID IT!! Junk!

Click Here

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Why I Watch!!

There are many reasons why I am watching the Olympics. I just love sports; the weird ones that only come around every 4 years. Or maybe it is to see the US medal count rise higher and higher only to find myself feeling bad that we send 700+ athletes to the games and 80% of the countries that attend the Olympics have NEVER won a medal. Maybe I love to watch the underdog, the country with 3 or 4 athletes possibly get a medal like in Kayak this year. Cant forget the Dream Team or Redeem Team as it is called this year. This year I have fallen in love with Skeet, Trap, and Fencing. Fast twitch, don't blink or you will lose sports. Of course I am so glad to have seen and witnessed Michael (great name) Phelps become the greatest Olympian of all time...what the heck. But for me, the moment that I feel has eclipsed all the previously mentioned moments is the one that you all have to watch for yourselves. I don't cry much in movies or touching moments but for some reason this one almost had me.

The celebration, the moment, the medal me this is what the Olympics are all about!

Please click this link and watch and cry!!!

Sunday, August 10, 2008


Now I normally don't do this, and I try not to talk about it too much but...I love reminiscing about The Overflow and the staff that was. Everything was a blessing from God from the well oiled machine it was, to my relationship I had with Trav and the freedom I had in leading the students in musical worship...what an amazing time in my life as a pastor/leader. I bring this up because E Lo found this wonderful clip of the 4 M's of camp: No Missing, No Moaning, No Messing, and No Meandering...this is The Overflow Staff at its top-tip creative and enjoy my friends (say these last 5 words with the voice of the Dos XX guy that says "Stay thirsty my friends)

Click Here

Another Great

The voice of the TV Show "Shaft" has just passed away at the young age of 65 in Memphis. Isaac Hayes was one bad your mouth!!! His voice was smooth as dark chocolate (like 80% Cacao) and he was a smooth dark chocolate of a man. He was also the voice of Chef from South Park...his songs that he sang on that show were classic and so meaningful like "Lay You Down By The Fire." Good stuff...

Friday, August 8, 2008

So this is where I am right now. Enjoying the Yankees, peanuts, a bloddy nose, and some can't get better than this...except for 1st base line, behind the dugout tickets

Random Fixings

- Since when did I come to love soccer so. If you don't like soccer then you must force yourself to sit down with the nuances of the sport. That's what I did and it works. I now LOVE soccer. It is a beautiful sport

- Going to the Yankee game tonight (Angels game). I'm actually nervous because I am going with The Point who are a bunch of Angels fans...and not that there is a rivalry between the Yankees and Angels (cause there isn't, it's between the Red Sox and Yanks) but I will be surrounded by people who I will hate for the time being, and, it doesn't help that the Yanks are not doing great this year...we must win

- I started my free trial of Netflix the other day. I signed up for the 1 DVD/unlimited for $7.95...that is a great deal. My movie cue is looking pretty full. I doubt I will get to 4 movies during this time trial. But now I have more movies to watch while I watch Audrey

Sunday, August 3, 2008

What Else Can I Get Cancer From???

So there any wonder why we get cancers that did not use to exist like 50 years ago from the crap we put into everything to give the product a longer shelf life or to cut costs or to make food faster at fast food joints. Read this article. It isn't that long but just absolutely amazing at the stuff we put into our bodies!!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Random Fixings

To make my blogs more interesting to me I am making a segment to my blog called Random Fixings. It's like all the fixings you would have at Thanksgiving but Random...and none of the fixings you would get at Thanksgiving. Besides my blogs about God from time to time, you will get to see what goes on in my head...and it IS random!!

- Audrey has her first tooth (Aug. 1st). I'm so exited for that little bit of enameled laced bone. Not excited about the new sleeping pattern that Audrey has picked up. She used to sleep through the night and wake once at 5am after going to sleep at 9-10pm. Now she wakes at 1am, 3am, 5am, then it is random...from 8-9am...what the heck...maybe it is the teething. Another theory is her weight/height to age ratio. The chunkier the little bugger, the more they sleep.

- I went to a my final wedding of the summer today in Rancho Santa Margarita. I have never felt so brown and poor in my life. The only hispanic I saw was the kid giving me my double whopper through the drive-thru window. Not only that but it took $10 round trip on the 241 Toll Road to go to this wedding. It is if the design of the Toll Road is trying to keep certain people out. Oh, Oh...certain exits make you pay a toll just to get off.

- Where DID bros come from in the Inland Empire? If I were an Anthropologist and I was trying to get my masters and I had to do a Thesis on a certain people group, I would choose Bros. I think I would start from the origin of the Bro (everyone likes an origin story) and work my way to the present. You would have to do a whole segment on the Lifted Truck and the Bro Ho! And then you would have to get the controlled idea from somewhere like Ohio. Somewhere where there aren't any Bros to introduce them to the Bro lifestyle and see what they think of Bros. I just think it is fascinating that the Bro is mostly Inland Empire based and no where else...thank the Lord!!! Are there other subcultures in the United States that we on the west coast are not aware of???

Friday, August 1, 2008

It's What The People Want!

So Audrey has had this knack for giving what the people want when they talk to her in that weird voice when one talks to babies. You know, that hi pitch nonsense that seems to over take even the most eloquent orator. So what Audrey does is assess the situation then gives a smile (like an Elvis side smile) because that is what this person that looks and sounds funny wants. She is appeasing her audience. I think it's funny because it does appease her audience but I know she is just giving what the people want...acknowledgment for the hoops this person ran through to get that smile. I know my child can read people because she reads us as parents as well. Take this video clip for example; which is hilarious. She is minding her business, destroying and dominating a catalog that we gave her to dominate. Then she sees that we are capturing her'll see what I mean...