Monday, August 25, 2008

So What Am I Going To Do...(Random Fixings)

...Now that the Olympics are over. Seriously, these where the best Olympics I have ever seen. So much drama which lived up to the hype surrounding almost every event. I will miss the games not because they are games and sports but for the corny reason that it truly does bring the world together, even if it is over sports. There is something so fulfilling when the world coexists. I pray that it will happen more often. Imagine if the world coexisted from Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and unto the ends of the earth...i miss the Olympics :-(

...I just watched 21 and I can now count cards. I googled the Basic Strategy chart and have memorized most of it. I can also count a "shoe" of cards 6 decks deep; no seriously. It really is just simple math. The special features of 21 teach you how to do it. If you can do simple math and maintain your concentration you can count also. The concentration is the hard part. I am practicing with 4 decks right now...well not right now I am blogging!

...Why are Hot Tamales soooo good...

...Audrey has been ridiculously moody lately. I wonder if her top 4 teeth are coming in?

...I start school on September 4th and I can't wait. I have been ready to start back up since July. I created a review class for nursing students over the summer that got my Vice Deans attention. He wants me to publish my findings about the review class in a medical journal, which I am going to. He is going to help me do it. Dr. Sharp has really poured into me and I need that mentorship. It helps get me through...

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