Yes it's true...
I have been:
Studying, Studying, Studying...Nursing School has kicked into full gear and I am barely keeping my head above water. Critical Care, most likely what I am going to go into, has been a great challenge to me in that I have basically had to teach myself out of the book because our teaching has been atrocious.
I have been learning a ton in my reading the scriptures and different books. I am still reading books by NT Wright, Brad Young, Rob Bell, Francis Chan to name a few. The next book I am going to read is a book by Phyllis Tickler about church history. I have read an excerpt and it is AMAZING...just to let you know...our church history SUCKS!!!
I have been praying and dealing with what God might be calling me to in the next season of my life. it is safe to say that it is not leading people through music. That season of my life lasted for 8 years of my life and it was fantastic but it is not me any longer. I mean I can lead people every once in a while but not as the main guy, all the time. I feel like God has given me a desire and passion to teach. I have been eating up theological books and historical content driven books that pertain to the 1st century. It's not like me...
Now I know what you're thinking, " are training to be a nurse!" I will tell you, "You are right...I am." But ever since I started this journey of prerequisites for nursing years ago, I have also felt that nursing can be my "tent making" much like Paul. I think that pastors or "laymen" should have a skill that is tangible to the world that allows you an in so to speak. I have worked for a church for 8 years, loved it, but it is a bubble. I have seen more humanity and people in need (not just physically, 70% of people have Anxiety disorder diagnosed or not) through my school than I have seen while working for a church. Not to say that those things are not at church, because they are. However, I need to be clear in what I am saying; What I am saying is that there is more hurt outside than inside the church; there are just more people outside than inside the church period.
Well those are just some of my thoughts about the next season of life I will be entering into. I know that it is coming because I can't get my thoughts off of it...May 2, 2009 is graduation day and a lot of change will be coming my way whether I am ready or not
You're right.
Protestants have an awful knowledge of Church history.
Most Protestants that have studied Church history, in some capacity, seem to think the early Church died off or something and then, 1,500 years later, the church came back onto the scene in the form of Protestantism, which, of course, is a very flawed and even tragic view.
Thanks Jeremy...
Something else that's missing is just simply the knowledge of our past to understand our present and possible future within church history
So excited for what your next "step" will be next spring! Bring it!
Just want you to know I feel blessed to have gone through youth group with you helping lead. I know you will be doing great things for Gods kingdom wherever you are and with whatever your doing
Bring it is EXACTLY how I feel about the next season in my life...well said Annette!!!
I'm so glad to hear that you are doing so well and that even if one season is ending, you are embracing a new one of worship. You've always been an inspiration! Good luck with the program, finish strong!
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