Monday, December 15, 2008

E = MC2

Time is sooo relative. For me...right is moving at the speed of ridiculousness. Audrey is getting so big and old and talking up a storm. She can give High 5's and point at objects and she can tell us she is tired and wants to take a nap. My second to last semester in school is rapidly coming to an end (thank God). I will have only one more semester and then I will be a real murse (man + nurse).

I feel like I use my time wisely but sometimes I just can't remember how wise I was. I'm sure time will slow down, in fact I know time will slow down eventually; it always does. Until then, my puerto rican self will just enjoy the ride. Bad or good, it only helps to enjoy and worship the One who gave the ride to me...


Anonymous said...

i thought a murse was a "man purse"

ThePuertoRicanSlant said...

I guess it could be that also. I think it depends on what setting you intend on using the word "murse". If it is in the medical field it would be defined as a male nurse. I guess if it is used in a fashionable sense then it could only make sense to define murse in that fashion.

AMIT said...

Life has many difficulties.

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