Thursday, October 18, 2007


OK, so I have been giving this whole "Green" or "Save the Planet" thing, which I completely believe in doing, a lot of thought lately and I have come to a realization. This realization came to me when I was thinking about "why are so many people on this bandwagon?" and even more so "why does it seem that going 'green' means that you only conserve (in a generalized sense)?" Don't get me wrong, I myself am trying to go green. I am not good at it but I am making big improvements in my lifestyle; the biggest change is my Yamaha RoadStar Silverado 1600 (I love this thing. If Holly and I don't name our baby Sydney I am going to name my bike Sydney). I didn't need to make this change to get a motorcycle but I did. Which then got me thinking about what I gave up in making this change to go green. Which then got me to realize going green or what ever you want to call it, is not about giving up for the earths sake. Yes it should be for God and creation with in which we live but why...why are we giving up these things is the question. Again...I don't think it is for the health of the planet. That is a natural sequelae because of the original problem which You see to me recycling, reusing, reducing our waste and needs is our way of telling God, "I am content in You. I am content with what I have been given." In fact, for instance with my bike, I am perfectly content with the fact that I will be driving in the rain at times to go somewhere in Riverside. I am content that even now, in the fall, I am driving at 5:30am in 50 degree weather which really makes it about 40-45 degrees cold. I am content with the fact that Holly and I are having a baby and yes we are going to have issues with transportation but do we really need the extra car payment and insurance and the extra gas that this car will need. "Do we really," is a question that is great to ask yourself. What ends up happening is that when you ask this question you also get really good with rationalizing that yes I really do need _______, even though you don't. Contentment in God is so unconventional because it reaches into the far reaches of our cares and desires. If I care and desire to love God then I choose to go green which shows God my contentment in Him.
So what does all this mean to me, and if you choose, you. This whole green thing, it can totally get out of control and hippie like without it being centered around our connection with God and our role as care takers for this creation. And yes I can "do" stuff that makes it seem like I am caring for this earth but if I am not content with the fact that I don't need stuff or content with what I do have, all of this is just a lot of noise and clanging symbols.


Anonymous said...

This brings me to the struggle for a lot of people with is a problem I have to deal with at work now because I am supposed (according to my job) get customers to buy more "stuff" (clothes) and make 'em think they need more stuff when in my mind I really want them to not buy more clothes unless they desperately need them.
BTW I work at Aeropostale now...

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