Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Feliz Navidad!

Hello my peoples in Blogger World! I have been spending my Christmases in Portland for the last 3 years. Never has it snowed to deliver that white Christmas. This year however I finally got my wish. After opening up the presents we were pleasantly surprised by snow coming down. It didn't stick but it was so much fun...and freakn' cold. My nice and nephew loved it so much; not as much as I did though. I turned into 5 year old boy at the sight of falling white flakes to the earth. I did take pictures but I won't be able to put any up right now...they will come shortly.

Here is a question I have for you all...

How long do you spend with your family opening presents?


Jeff and Yvonne Weinstein said...

Not very long. We did not have many gifts to give. I am not sure what the Lord is trying to teach us, but our lives have definitely been changed through some health issues in our home.

Our big present this year was the dog we got at the humane society on Saturday. Another gift was a friend who called yesterday and found out that I was twirling so I wouldn't be able to drive, which set our usual plans for the 24th out the window. (I usually take the kids to Magic Mountain- it is a veritable ghost town there on Christmas eve..... I drop them off, they spend the day having fun (somehow one had a free ticket) and I spend the day reading and listening to podcasts and napping)

Anyway, we usually do not have a special Christmas eve meal - we get home late. My friend rearranged her day to so that we would have food for a special Christmas Eve meal. And then Rachel and Jacob kindly tended to my physical needs.....
It was a different Christmas Eve and Day.

We did spent alot of time together. Rachel and Jacob say that I talk alot in my sleep. The are great kids. I love my family and am blessed to have kids and a husband who know how to roll with the punches.

Anonymous said...

about 2 1/2 hours.
you would think that means we are spoiled and give way too many gifts...wrong.

we just take forever saying "thank you! hey everyone look at this wonderful gift!" and then we have to take it out of the packaging, and show it to everyone...and then the next person gets to open their gift and the whole process happens again.

but i love it [=