Wednesday, November 21, 2007

AIDS and The Magic Bullet

The disease process of HIV/AIDS, as most of us know, has no known cure. For many in our world today, you could say that this information could cause a bit of anxiety to know that death is imminent. Death is imminent for everyone but what if you could place a time limit on your life; say 2-10 years until life ends. Many pharmaceutical companies are searching for the Magic Bullet through millions of dollars of research and development to find THE cure for AIDS. One such company thought they had a vaccine but through doing research about the vaccine they have found that this particular vaccine actually makes you more susceptible to the virus.

I don't believe that there will be a vaccine but there is a cheaper Magic Bullet that could help prevent AIDS...Education, Teaching.
If you have time I invite you to read this article. AIDS Article

Questions to Think About:
1. Do you know anyone with HIV/AIDS?
2. Have you been tested for HIV? (I am going to get tested even though I know I don't have HIV/AIDS. My thinking is being proactive in doing away with the stigma of being tested)
3. Do you think everyone should be tested?
4. Do you think you should be tested?
5. Is there a stigma with testing for HIV/AIDS?
6. How much do you really know about HIV/AIDS?

1 comment:

jess mac said...

I have been tested...