Saturday, November 3, 2007

Dinner and Some Texas Hold'Em

So I am going to tag myself in on the whole "Worship" conversation that should be had and is well overdue. I have been someone that takes the subject of "worship" very seriously and I think that after 8 years of teaching countless students on the subject that my opinion has some weight and validity to it.
My brother Adam started the conversation with a bang I will continue to fuel the fire, and by brother I don't mean it in a Southern Baptist kind of way, I mean it in a his family is my family and I am an uncle to his kids and if something should happen to him I would pick up where he left off in loving his family kind of you see what I just did...I was worshiping.
How could this be, there is no music; we did not meet together in a building we call church? Not only that but how abstract is what I just called worship.
My favorite chapter in all the bible is Romans 12. I know, I know, everyone's favorite chapter is Romans 12...but I guarantee that most people read it in a personal, singular type of context and not in a familial context; a context that is about the greater good of humanity as a family. Let me get even more specific; the part I like best about the chapter is after Romans 12:2. You see, Romans 12:1-2 are why we all should offer our lives as worship to God after a long court case from Romans 1-11. Then Paul the writer of Romans shows us how to worship starting in Romans 12:3 and so on. But the one verse that I am trying to get better at in worship is Romans 12:13. This verse talks about worshiping God through
food and family time with those around you. I don't just mean family with blood I mean family in the sense of the human race. So Holly and I did, with international students from all over. We made dinner for them at our house which was amazing, holly threw down on the crock pot. Then I taught these international students from Brazil, Poland, India, etc. how to play Texas Hold'em. It was so much fun and God was there accepting our worship to Him. This is everyday church life. The is what offering your lives as a living sacrifice should look like. It is organic and fluid. Worship adapts to our Creator as you live out every single moment of your life for others.
As my brother Adam said, he thinks, and so do I, that powerful things can happen when we sing corporately. But do you really want to settle for 20-30 minutes of worship through music a week when you have your life to offer. Not even the early Jewish Rabbis would settle for that. To the early Jewish Rabbi, and I would argue to the modern Rabbi, believed that the highest form of worship to be offered up to YHWH would be to read his very word in order to have it written on their hearts. To read the VERY WORD of YHWH was to thrust oneself into the very presence of God.
Whew...long enough...I think I used up all my words for the day...I am just a guy.


TheEpicBeat said...

Let's record a Worship CD.

jess mac said...

Our girls do love you-and so do we. We miss you busy-man. Finish school. Move back to our neighborhood. Come to a small group. Something. I miss you in our day to day.