Monday, December 31, 2007

Sidewalk Advertisement

Holly and I went to Victoria Gardens here in So Cal just to look around and because we just love going to Victoria Gardens. We don't know why we do but we do...we really can't afford much from VG. Well we got of the 15 fwy and as we were getting ready to turn right we saw a woman holding a sign/advertisement on the corner. Now I didn't think much of it being that I see them all the time spinning their signs trying to guide people to were the sale is or the housing tract is. As I looked closer at this woman performing her job this holiday season I saw something that made me completly sad, depressed, mad; amongst other emotions. While mom was working, her son was at her feet playing with his toys...

All I could think of was her situation so dire that she has no support to watch her son and was she is such a compromising situation where she had to take this job to provide for her son? Now let's get this straight; I am not sympathizing or pitying her one bit merely trying to comprehend what situation would move a person to this extreme.

I don't know...I don't really have anything deep to say about what I just saw but it needed to be said. You needed to be aware...

1 comment:

Las Vegas Billboards said...

Sidewalk advertising is also able to offer an immediate effect. You could design a campaign in which you create an advertising message that draws people into your storefront from down the street but using creative messages to lure them in.