Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Thoughts on my vacation

***Sorry but this post might be long***

I purposefully did not post about my vacation immediately for two reasons: 1. Beca
use I wanted my friends to post about it first and 2. Because I wanted to soak all that happened. All of the conversations, the laughter, the j
oy, What God was doing in my friends lives; I wanted to let it soak in. So my friends here is my trip to Santa Cruz and Salinas.

The trip started with one questions, What was Audrey going to be like tr
aveling? Answer: AMAZING!!! She was a champ. She kept a better schedule in the car than she does at home. What a blessing for me and my sanity.

Our first part of the
 leg was to see Trav and Annette in Santa "hippie" Cruz. As soon as we got there we went to the beach and Trav and I played some wicked games of Volleyball. Loved it. I sucked but I still had some good times. Met some of Trav's friends and just had a great time getting sand in places where I don't want sand. Annette said in a 
post about us going up to visit that it just
 felt normal to be with them, like tim
e has not passed. Like we can just pick up where we left off...i whole heartedly agree. I also got to have some coffee with the Travrista. He taught me how to order St. Arbucks like a man. Good coffee and great conversation we
re had by all. I love the Osborne family soooo much. I feel like we have some much more in common now that we don't have the Overflow as a common denominator. Trying to figure out what God has for us both, the Rodrigos and Osbornes, has brought us closer than I could have imagined. 

And yes Davey loved Audrey and Trav and I are working out the bride price for Audrey's heart. If I can get that out of the way before she reaches 6th grade, my life will be complete. Oh and I KILLED Annette at speed. It was great. The kids were all chanting my name and singing my praises as if taunting Annette. Awesome! It is always sad to leave family. But if all goes well,
 Annette and Trav, puerto rico is in sight!!!

The next leg 
of the trip was to visit more family: The Risingers. I miss my little bro Micah and the people who are like a mom and dad to me, Bill and Patti. It did my heart so much to see where Patti is being an effective Christ follower at Starbucks and to see how Micah has grown both literally and figuratively. Seriously Micah got taller. And then to see Bill's heart for Salina
s...ah...he has so much joy in the fact that God has him right where He wants him, both in the study of the scriptures and turning that into the hands and feet of God. They are another part of the family that you can just pick right up were you leave off. More coffee and more great

Between Trav and Bill, I got my fill of theological conversation for at least the next 3 months. It was rejuvenating. 

On the way home I got pulled over by the CHP in the grapevine. However, because the Lord, Jesus Christ has blessed me with the gift of NEVER getting a ticket, I did not get a ticket and Holly got to witness that gift first hand. I wasn't even going fast, just the speed of traffic. I just happened to be the last car in the speed of traffic. 

It was sad to leave but we know we will be back to see or family. 

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