Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Can i say that I officially dislike weddings a great deal!! I have been to 4 weddings in 4 weekends and I still have one more coming this Saturday...that is 5 weddings in a row. Now I love the people getting married, let us not forget that I love the people...but the event, the getting ready, the buying of the present, the "should we get babysitting or bring Audrey"; At least I am not in the weddings. I have played in 3 of the 5 weddings, which to me is way better than being in the wedding. Ok technically I am in the weddings but you get what I mean. I think more than anything I am just burnt out on weddings. I think Holly and I are going to be a bit more selective on the weddings we attend. The Bride and Groom won't remember if we were there or not anyway and we don't have the money to keep buying presents. that off my chest. 
Am I alone on this...???


Jim McGill said...

Only thing is worse is shooting one.

I remember one interesting couple,
That set up the stage in the center of a circle of people, had the wedding at night lit only by candles. Then said don't use flash or be seen when photographing...


La Rodriga said... make it sound like we are not happy to support those we love who are getting married. Harsh! :) I know what you mean, though. I think what is hard is consecutive weddings (like 4 in a row!).

AndieMattStaudt said...

I know exactly what you mean... The bride and groom will know if you were there or not. It is always great to see friends! Being selective is the best way to go.

Annie said...

my biggest issue is not getting any cake at the reception, when they wait like 3-4 hours to cut the cake, I mean, what are they thinking? I know I'm not alone on this.