Friday, September 12, 2008

Ok...I Have Processed What I Think

So my first reaction to the documentary is this for real...I had NOOoooo idea that it was this serious. Then I got mad at our media for not keeping us informed to the extent of this type of Islam. Then I felt sad and upset at how this could have gone this far; teaching and educating kids in this destructive worldview. After feeling these emotions I immediately started asking question after question.

How do I reconcile with a worldview such as this? How do I show love that will break through and connect to someone of this reality? How does one educate the public in a way that does not breed hatred and fear but awareness and non-hatred (I couldn't think of another word)?

I wish you could see the rest of the video. The documentaries' argument stated that this is not just happening in the US but in other parts of the world. It isn't just against Christianity but against Buddhism, Hindus, Jews, and Atheist.

Now I was struggling with, "well...what action is necessary to take," almost retaliatory but not. Then today I read Brian McLearn's blog and he talked about why he is voting for Obama vs. McCain (I high recommend that you read this blog. It is a great perspective that I haven't heard articulated before). The article landed squarely on the ministry we all have to each other, whether Christian or not...Reconciliation. We as simple human beings all have a need for each other, known or not. We are connected via God's grace for allowing us the ability to live...we and all the cosmos are His domain, are his Kingdom, are His creation and get the privilege of being the keepers of this domain. We GET the PRIVILEGE of loving each other!! So then my final question I asked myself was, "Does my love stop, to save my life?" I mean, in order to preserve my life from the apparent danger presented by this particular reality, do I stop loving in the name of Jesus the Christ?

You know...I can't help but think about Jesus asking Peter to love His sheep. If you love Me you will love My sheep. Peter LOVED "sheep" until he hung on a cross, upside down, in the face of a worldview that could not conquer what could not be conquered...The overwhelming, subversive, awkward, unrelenting, LOVE of Jesus Christ!!

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