Wednesday, September 17, 2008


My little Audrey has a fever ;-( She got some shots yesterday at Loma Linda and because her body was fighting the fake bacteria and viruses she spiked a little temp. It toped out at about 100.something (I don't remember) and now it is down to 99.0

She didn't sleep at all last night (neither did we) but she has been so much more cuddly. The fever knocked out some of her ridiculous energy. Cuddle Audrey is fun and cute and cuddly. Not that she is not all of those things when she is not febrile (fever).
Here are some pics of Audrey I don't think I have posted...


escamillaweddings said...

so stinkin cuuuuute!

Annie said...

We miss her, I'm jealous Trav got to see you three last week! She'll be walking, talking, and dating by the time I get to see her next!

Heidi said...

Love the tongue picture! She'll be doing that on purpose soon. That's all Ellie will do when she sees a camera!