Thursday, September 11, 2008

This Is What I Learned Today

I am going to love my Transcultural Health class. Think of it as an Anthropology class on steroids with a health slant. Today we were talking about worldviews and how they effect you and how they effect me. My worldview is different then your worldview. NT Wright would say that your story and the stories that shaped your stories have helped to shape your worldview. I agree. Most of reality, or one could say that all reality is are stories strewn together to form a reality. This is philosophy that I won't get into (but I love. SIDENOTE: I have come to love philosophy as of late).

Well today, at 8:00am, our teacher decided to show us a documentary called Obsession. I will tell you what I thought in my next post when I have had time to process my thoughts...I have placed an eleven minute clip for you to watch. the full movie is one and a half hours long or something like that.

Some of this might be disturbing for some people and as for comments on this video, please keep it respectful and intelligent but I would love to see what you have to say!!!


Anonymous said...

Be careful when posting items like this. Without proper information to follow, these kinds of videos propegate more hatred rather than useful information to move forward. I am not saying that this infomation is not correct, but without proper analysis and insight into history, this just stirs emotions....not intellect. I do see why you would want to share the information, but hope that everyone would look at it with insight and intellect, not emotions of hatred.
(I am sure some will hate that i said this, but as someone working towards being a part of the solutions for "war of terrorism" it is necessary for a disclaimer)

"I will permit no man to narrow and degrade my soul by making me hate him." ~Booker T. Washington


ThePuertoRicanSlant said...

Of course Liz...thanks for the reminder. A healthy and intelligent discussion is what needs to be had here. The full video did a GREAT job of stating what IS happening without promoting retaliation but awarness. What should happen is that whatever feeling is being had, should be inventoried then placed in the light of the mission of the Kingdom of God.