Monday, November 26, 2007

Thinking About It

I was really perplexed as to why I am not that sad that Dan & Alyssa are leaving. I was befuddled by my mood when I knew Bill & Patty were going to be gone as well. Then it hit me by joe... distance between me and my family has never really bothered me. I am a product of a divorced family that is separated by 2000+ miles. I live in So. Cal closer to my mom's family and dad's family lives in Ohio. I get to see them every once in a while but we start right where we left off; except we get older. I guess for me, it isn't new to have my family in different parts of the country. I actually like it. Ahh don't you love it when something bothers you and then you figure it adds a sense of closure to it all doesn't it.?.


rev rock said...

always room at the casa de lance

Annie said...

Are you guys locked and loaded for Enero? B/C we are!!! Loved the booby picture!